Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tomorrow Begins A New Adventure!

"I bless this past year with love. I am grateful for all I have experienced and learned. I release the past. Tomorrow begins a new adventure, and I look forward to it eagerly." --- Louise Hay: Affirmation from 2013 Calendar


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I Am Grateful

My husband and I took a road trip across the country this summer. Seeing the country this way is marvelous! There was one picture I was not able to take because it was my turn to drive and it would not have been safe to do so while driving; we couldn’t stop because we were on a tight schedule to our next location. I’m still sorry I don’t have a picture to post here, but I am grateful I saw the image and have it in my memory.

We were driving somewhere near Little Rock, Arkansas going west up a hill. The highway was light colored, not dark like in California. There were three lanes going each way divided by a concrete wall with nothing on either side of the road, but sky. The clouds were a perfect mixture of light and dark fluffy pillows spread out evenly to see blue sky, while simultaneously letting in just the right amount of light to highlight the last visible part of the road at the top of the hill. The highway seemed to go up to heaven as we drove up the hill, while other cars were driving down to earth from heaven. It was magical.

I drove for three hours and thought about that image in my mind the entire time while my husband slept. It plagued me the rest of the trip and for months after the trip. It’s only now, during the holiday season, that I am able to look back at that image in my mind and be grateful I was able to see it at all. I am lucky I am healthy enough to take such a long trip and appreciate what I was able to photograph along the way. Some things are meant to be experienced rather than recorded. I can’t spend my entire life behind the camera seeing everything through a small screen rather than with my own eyes. That wouldn’t really be living, now would it? 


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mistakes Make the Best Pictures

In the summer of 2006 I went on safari to Kenya, Africa. I wanted to take this trip for 20 years and was filled with excitement. My little digital camera didn’t have a viewfinder like my 35mm point and shoot film camera did. With my film camera, I had to hold the camera against my face to keep it steady, but with  the digital camera I had to hold out my arms in front of me so I could see the image through the two inch screen. I wasn’t used to taking pictures this way and as a result I dropped my arms slightly each time I took a picture. To compensate, I took five or six shots of the same subject until I was happy with how it was framed.

When we encountered the zebras, I couldn’t believe how beautiful they were. I just had to get a picture of one of the zebra’s face with the surrounding grass framing his body. After several attempts, my arms got tired and I cut off his ears, nose or most of his body. I was frustrated at the shots until I noticed this one. I wasn’t planning on cutting off so much of his body – hind legs and top of his back and part of his ear, but it still looked good to me so I saved it. It wasn’t until later when I compared this photo to the more traditional portraits of zebras that I realized how interesting this image really was. The others were boring compared to this one which is why it is one of my favorite photos. 

Excerpt from: Moments in Time Captured Forever; You Don't Need a Good Camera to Take Good Pictures


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." --- Marianne Williamson


Friday, October 4, 2013

Bits of Sunshine

The flowers in front of my husband’s aunt’s house were beautiful and the light was lovely. With my camera setting on macro/foliage, I crouched down low to get close to these little yellow bits of sunshine!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Twin Lakes Park, PA

My friend brought me to Twin Lakes Park in Greensburg, Pennsylvania to walk and enjoy the scenery. Every turn was more beautiful than the next as we circled the two lakes in the park. The light was perfect, so I took advantage of the quiet moment and snapped this picture.

Making the ordinary…extraordinary