Thursday, January 31, 2013

On the Way to Mammoth Mountain, CA

After stopping for lunch with my mom at The Ranch House in Olancha, CA, I took this picture with my iPhone through the car window! The drive up to Mammoth Mountain was gorgeous the whole way!

This photo isn't in my book, Moments in Time Captured Forever; You Don't Need a Good Camera to Take Good Pictures, but it is an example of a good photo you can take with any kind of camera. It's your eye and framing that count, not the camera.

This image and others are available at:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Yellow Rose

"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have the eyes to see them." --- John Ruskin

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Falling Water

Falling Water in Pennsylvania is one of Frank Lloyd Wright's great work in the most beautiful setting, trees and water. The view from inside the home was just as gorgeous as looking at the home from below.

A few years after visiting Falling Water, I was lucky enough to tour his home and workshop in Chicago, IL. There was a piano sticking out of the wall over a staircase! Crazy! But, my favorite room was the playroom for the children on the top floor because of Wright’s use of space and storage. Very clever and efficient. The entire center of the room was open to play and move around while the perimeter held the toys inside the benches. I also loved the use of light. Windows were low above the benches to create small spaces the children could play and feel comfortable, while simultaneously providing all the necessary daylight to see until dark.

Prints available at:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Brown County State Park, Bloomington, IN

I was visiting my friend at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana in September 1995. She took me to Brown County State Park to hike and explore. I loved the feeling of being in the forest. It was beautiful! 

I love trees and being in nature. There is something so magnificent about trees. Their strong roots and their ability to bend with the wind is a great lesson in strength and flexibility. Be open to others' views, but stay true to who you are.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Muckross House, Ireland

Walking through the Muckross House in Ireland, I stopped to admire the view of the gardens from the second floor. Their window was open to let in the fresh air. Beautiful!

Make sure to take the time to notice your surroundings, especially on a trip when there is always something else to see, taste or do next. Pause for a moment to enjoy it and breathe.

Wishing you all the best in 2013!

Debra  :-)

Photos for sale at: