Thursday, March 21, 2013

Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity...

I am revisiting old photos and found this one from Squaw Rock, Ohio. I guess it could have been taken anywhere. It's pretty light on pretty green leaves and it feels peaceful to me.

"Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity..." --- Henry David Thoreau

Monday, March 4, 2013

Standing on the Inside

In Petra, Jordan my tour group walked through the small passages between the walls of rock with layers in various shades of pink. I learned the holes in the rock were tombs. As we walked around Petra, we cut through a cave-like tunnel to the other side.

When I looked out through the opening of the cave I saw the tombs on the other side. I liked the idea of the cave framing the tombs as if I were inside one looking out at the others. I turned the flash off because the sun was so bright. This worked beautifully because the natural light filtering through was just enough to illuminate the patterns inside the walls of the cave as well as create a darker frame around the tombs in the colorful rock across the way.

Excerpt from: Moments in Time Captured Forever; You Don't Need a Good Camera to Take Good Pictures